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Beschrijving cursus

za 9
nov '24
Endo anno nu Maximaal door minimaal
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Endodontologie
Nederlandse Vereniging voor Endodontologie
Deze cursus wordt ook gegeven:
za 9 november 2024
Endodontologie| Tandheelkunde algemeen
Vakinhoudelijk handelen|Kennis en wetenschap

Wat willen we graag?
Een gezonde mond met gezonde elementen die zo lang mogelijk meegaan. Het allerbeste voor de overleving van elementen is zo min mogelijk doen. Dus niet ingrijpen, tenzij… het nodig is.

Wat kunnen we?
Heel goed voor onze patiënten en hun mondgezondheid zorgen. Als we het dan nog wat specifieker bekijken op endodontisch gebied, kunnen we door het schoonmaken van geïnfecteerde elementen, de ‘bacterial load’ heel sterk naar beneden krijgen. Maar… omdat dat gepaard gaat met weefselverlies gaat de levensduur van het element naar beneden. Kunnen we dan misschien al bij de oorzaak van het probleem (meestal cariës, soms trauma) kijken of we de kans op pulpa-pathologie zo klein mogelijk kunnen houden?

Wat vinden we van cariës laten zitten?
Of helemaal geen cariës laten zitten en eventueel een pulpotomie doen? Wat vinden we van minimaal invasief prepareren met de nieuwe instrumenten die er zijn, zonder dat we ook minimaal in staat zijn om te reinigen?

Tijdens het najaarscongres is MINIMAAL INVASIEF het centrale thema dat internationaal veel aandacht krijgt. Op 9 november zullen verschillende sprekers uit binnen- en buitenland u bijpraten over de minimaal invasieve aanpak met als doel een langere levensduur van de aan ons toevertrouwde elementen.

Kortom, een dag waarop u meer leert om minder te doen als het kan. Wie wil dat nu niet?


Gianluca Plotino; Josephine Broden; Joao Brochado; Olavo Viegas; Miquel Margues


9:00 – 9:15
Inleiding door voorzitter Bram Lak en introductie moderator Joris Rotteveel
9:15 – 10:45
Minimally invasive approaches in endodontic procedures
door Gianluca Plotino
The most recent trends are following the concept of minimally invasive dentistry, proposing more conservative, less expensive and bio-economic treatments. Following these trends, the procedures in endodontics are changing in a conservative way, sometimes drastically if compared with the traditional concepts of access cavity outline opening, coronal straight-line access to reach the apical region and enlargement of root canals. The present lecture will analyse the technical procedures of minimally invasive endodontics in different clinical situations, also showing their limits, to define how much minimally invasive clinicians should be in order to ensure gold standard endodontic treatments.
At conclusion, participants should be able to:
Describe the most contemporary minimally invasive approaches in endodontics.
List benefits and limits of minimally invasive approaches in contemporary endodontics.
Perform an effective and technologically advanced endodontic treatment.
10:45 – 11:15
11:15 – 12:30
Minimally invasive approaches in endodontic procedures (vervolg)
door Gianluca Plotino
12:30 – 14:00
14:00 – 14:30
Uncertainty in endodontics
door Joséphine Brodén
There are various sources of uncertainty in endodontics and different strategies for coping with it. Some types of uncertainty can be reduced, while other types need to be tolerated. Often a combination of both strategies is used; more information is added until a threshold is reached, and a treatment decision must be made.
Take home message:

Learn to understand whether the uncertainty arises from gaps in scientific knowledge or from your own lack of information.
Use reflection as a tool to enhance decision-making under uncertain conditions.
As an endodontist, acknowledge and communicate uncertainty transparently and take responsibility for sharing uncertainty with patients and colleagues.
14:30 – 15:15
Selective retreatment – a minimal invasive approach to treat apical periodontitis
door João Brochado en Olavo Viegas
Several potential reasons are known to cause apical periodontitis on previously endodontically treated teeth. Traditionally, treatment options involve nonsurgical retreatment or surgery. This lecture explores the concept of selective endodontic retreatment, a treatment modality gaining traction in contemporary endodontics. Selective retreatment involves targeting only the roots or canals exhibiting radiographic signs of periapical pathology (similar to endodontic microsurgery). Through a review of current literature and clinical case presentations, the lecture will explore the rationale, efficacy, and potential advantages and disadvantages of this approach.
By the end of the lecture, participants will be able to:
Understand the concept of selective retreatment and its role in the treatment of apical periodontitis.
Understand the decision-making criteria for selective retreatment.
Implement appropriate techniques and strategies on daily practice to achieve successful outcome with selective retreatment.
15:15 – 15:45
15:45 – 17:00
Pulpotomy in permanent dentition – Current indications and clinical procedure
door Miquel Marques
There is an increased tendency towards minimally invasive interventions supported by the improved understanding of pulp physiopathology and advancements of dental materials. This has promoted more conservative approaches aiming to preserve the pulp.
In this lecture we will discuss the cotemporary indications for pulpotomies, expected outcome and the clinical procedure step by step.
Even though vital pulp treatment has been promoted has a simple procedure, there are several precautions that should be highlighted to increase its clinical success.
Th clinical results from pulpotomy procedures with MTA on permanent dentition are encouraging and their contemporary use in irreversible pulpitis has broaden their application beyond the classical indications.
From a biological and socio-economic point of view, procedures less invasive than pulpectomy are certainly desirable, since they are less tissue-destructive and easier to carry out, thus saving effort, time, and money.
Learning outcomes:
To learn the current indications and contraindications for pulpotomies.
Understand the treatment protocol for pulpotomies.
Appreciate the expected results with pulpotomies.
17:00 – 17:15
Vragen en discussie
Uitwisseling van vragen, aanvullingen en ideeën.
17:15 >>
en aansluitend een borrel