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do 3
okt '24
Masterclass met professor dr. Andy Temmerman
B.V. Diensten NVvP
B.V. Diensten NVvP
Deze cursus wordt ook gegeven:
do 3 oktober 2024
Algemene scholing| Implantologie| Parodontologie
Kennis en wetenschap

Op donderdagavond 3 oktober organiseert de NVvP in samenwerking met Dent-Med Materials en Masterclass verzorgt door niemand minder dan prof. dr. Andy Temmerman. 

Titel: Soft tissue management around oral implants.

Tooth and implant: very similar on the one hand and yet so different on the other. The soft tissue differences are intriguing to say the least, but they also have a direct effect on the surgical management of peri-implant soft tissues. This masterclass will attempt to provide insights into how the peri-implant tissues can be of importance in the 'long-term survival' of oral implants and why peri-implant tissue surgery should be a regular part of oral implant treatment. A number of possible surgical techniques will be discussed theoretically and clinically.

Prof. Dr. Andy Temmerman graduated, cum laude, as a dentist (DDS) in 2007 at the University of Ghent in Belgium. In the same year he started the post-graduate education in Periodontology at the Catholic University of Leuven in Belgium. In 2010 he graduated as an 'EFP certified' periodontologist (MSc). Since then, he earned the  Belgian title of 'tandarst-specialist in de parodontologie'

Since 2009 he works in a private clinic (ParoPlus, Aalst). This clinic focusses totally on periodontology and implant dentistry, together with his collegues Stefan Matthijs, Dr. Maarten Glibert and Sofie Naessens. He beheld his connection to the KU Leuven as a clinical and research consultant.



prof. dr. Andy Temmerman


18.00 - 19.00 uur: Ontvangst met een lichte maaltijd
19.00 - 20.30 uur:
The anatomical differences between the periodontal tissues and peri-implant tissues
What are we really looking for when it comes to the peri-implant tissues?
The Free Gingival Graft: the working horse + possible surgical options
20.30 - 21.00 uur Pauze
21.00 uur Workshop: Practicing palatal donor site coverage with novel wound dressings
21.30 uur Afsluiting en borrel